Blair Lied - And Gordon Brown Is Like Stalin


New Doubts Over Iraq intelligence In the UK House of Lords last month, Lord Butler, who headed an investigation into the intelligence which took Britain into the war, was scathing about that - though his speech went largely unreported in the media.

Lord Butler is using the polite parliamentary way of saying that Tony Blair lied.

Gordon Brown Likened To Stalin Allegations by Andrew Turnbull, the former top civil servant, that Gordon Brown exhibited a “Stalinist ruthlessness” in government and had “complete contempt” for other senior ministers shocked Westminster but were resonating in Whitehall on Tuesday.

Yep: One is branded a liar and the other is likened to a mass murderer.

By people who know what they are talking about!

Gordon Brown is often congratulated for his fine handling of the UK economy over the past decade.

What always seems to be forgotten, however, is that he raised all our taxes by very significant amounts in order to fund 'his' various enterprises, and that he surreptitiously whipped about £800 away from each and every pensioner in the land not long after he took office.

And it does not take that much skill to buoy up an economy when you can dip your hand into the pockets of millions of people and take billions from them.

The only skill it takes is to arrange matters so that the people do not notice what is going on and/or they are prevented from being able to protest about it effectively.

Furthermore, since 1997, when Labour came to power, there has been a positive explosion in the use of the new communicatrion technologies by businesses and by government departments both big and small. As a result, the economy is a very, very different beast from what it was a decade ago. Huge benefits have accrued to the economy through the use of the internet and mobile phones, and the range of products that are based on these technologies has further helped to boost very considerably economic growth.

Gordon Brown had very little to do with this.

Indeed, almost any person who took up the office of Chancellor of the Exchequer in the UK in 1997 would have found themselves sitting at the beginning of a revolution which would have enormous benefits for the economy. And this, coupled with the taking of so much more money out of people's pockets in order to bolster government spending, could not fail to lead to economic 'growth'.

Gordon Brown has not been a great Chancellor of the Exchequer. He landed his job at a particularly fortuitous time, and he robbed the people out of billions without them noticing.

Well. That's my opinion!



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