White Boys Let Down


White Boys Let Down White boys are being turned into an unemployable underclass - as they fall behind children from other racial groups at school, new research shows.

Goodness. Someone has, at last, noticed!



At 1:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The most telling comment comes halfway down: "It (i.e. identifying and supporting children who are late in learning to read and write at primary school) is expensive - but even more expensive not to do it".

Exactly so. We skimp on getting the basics right at an early stage, and years later find ourselves paying a monumental price for being too lazy or disinterested at the outset. That is when feral, unemployed and unemployable young men drift out of the education system that has betrayed them, and tear their local communities to pieces.

But who is in charge of these young boys at the crucial pre-school and primary school stages? Who is best placed to help them, but is obviously failing? Who is working assiduously to keep them away from any contact with the best role models any young boys could ever have, and instead leave them under the exclusive control of people who do not have a single second's individual or collective experience of being male?

Also note the final paragraph of the report. Clear indication that the government do not recognise any problem and will continue to do nothing.

Is our society damned and doomed? We could be beyond the tipping point already. Who knows or cares?

At 10:20 AM, Blogger Richy said...

The world is going crazy and television news and other communication media have very largely been complicit in this.
Television and newsprint and music all exert extraordinarily powerful influences upon the way we think. That makes them - and they are - very dangerous to our right-mindedness.

We are lied to, misinformed and manipulated and the media willfully put this all across and it cascades down into the public consciousness. Don't shoot the messenger? Sometimes the messenger deserves to be shot.
We have clearly not been judgemental enough in the recent past. We have too readily and without question accepted insane polcor ('politically correct') and feministic precepts. These zealots have set out to make us throw out normal critical judgement and adopt kneejerk reactions and responses (e.g. Women=good, victims, innocent. Men=bad, perpetrators, guilty. Black people=good. White people=bad).
And they blatantly promote false myths (e.g. that men are more violent than women, that girls are brighter than boys, that all rapists and paedophiles are men, and so forth).We are being well and truly indoctrinated by the zealot-controlled media. (See the page about BBC pro-feminist bias - the BBC has in recent years been busily recruiting these nutters.) The present government is riddled with nutters too - many female ministers seriously advocate fatherless families as a norm.
And take the Rowntree Foundation, an educational charity well-known for propagating feminista and polcor spin, which recently asserted that its 'research' had shown that girls are brighter than boys and that coloured boys do better than white boys. The foundation's end objective is evident even to those with only half a brain between them. It is to make white boys feel inferior to girls and coloureds
And we swallow it all. Hook, line and sinker!

Media Lies


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