Another Deceitful MP Exposed


Another Deceitful MP Exposed

Tessa Jowell has been accused of "breathtaking cynicism" after she vowed to keep her local post office open despite voting in Parliament for its closure.


Another Severely Disabled Soldier Cheated


Another Severely Disabled Soldier Cheated

A Royal Marine who lost both legs and an arm in a Taliban landmine explosion has been told he is not entitled to the full compensation package offered to injured troops.


Ahsley Mote MEP Exposes BBC Corruption


The letter to the police below shows MEP, Ashley Mote, protesting about the fact that the EU - a self-promoting political body - is providing funds to the BBC - something which is supposed to be illegal.


Letter to Scotland Yard About BBC Bias
7 March 2008

Mr M Gudmundsson Staff Officer to Assistant Commissioner John Yates Specialist Crime Directorate New Scotland Yard 10 Broadway London, SW1H 0BG

Thank you for your letter of March 3 which I read with greatinterest. You are correct in assuming that your two visitors are known to me, as indeed is the substance of your meetings with them.
It is precisely because both formal and informal complaints to theBBC over many years have proved fruitless in obliging them to adhere to both the spirit and the letter of the Royal Charter that we finally reached the point of addressing ourselves to the Metropolitan Police.
If there was a particular trigger, I suppose it was the fact that I finally extracted from the European Investment Bank the details of their soft loans to the BBC. You might also be interested to know that, last week at a meeting of the European Parliament's Budget Control Committee, two senior members of the EIB who were present during that Committee's discussion of their annual accounts refused point-blank to answer questions about their relationship with the BBC. (In case you are not fully aware, allow me to explain that the European Investment Bank is an institution of the EU, is controlled by it, and has direct EU financial support. It is also,obviously, free to raise money on the open markets like any other bank.)
As a result of many years research, in which I have been helped by scores of concerned supporters, it has become obvious that the BBC has been, in effect, 'bought' by the European Union. Over that time the BBC has been closely scrutinised by Lord Pearson and others and provided with well documented evidence to prove their pro-EU bias. Senior management at the BBC have steadfastly ignored such evidence and protests. Their contempt for such criticism has now driven us to draw the attention of the police to what has been going on for more than a decade.
Whilst I appreciate your comments about the Office of Fair Tradingand OFCOM I think you will recognise from the above, and from my earlier letter and enclosures, that our patience with the BBC has long-since been exhausted.
I must urge you and your colleagues to look very seriously at this matter with a view to taking it further on behalf of a substantial number of listeners and viewers.

Ashley Mote MEP


European Investment Bank Embarrassed by BBC Loan

At a recent meeting of the Budget Control Committee, when it was notgetting excited and embarrassed about members' allowances, two membersof the European Investment Bank attended a discussion of the Bank's2006 accounts. (Each EU institution has to obtain "discharge" of itsannual accounts from the parliament, which is normally anddisgracefully a near-formality.) But the presence of two seniorofficials of the European Investment Bank gave me the opportunity toask about soft loans to the BBC. What, I asked, was their reaction topublic horror at the news, now in the open, that they had givensubstantial soft loans to the BBC and that BBC's support of EU was nowcompromised. No reply. They just scuttled out without saying a word –and the chairman of the committee let them He didn't say a word either!


Luxurious Pensions For UK MPs


Luxurious Pensions For UK MPs A typical employee would have to work for 62 years to earn the pension an MP receives after only 13 years, research reveals today.


Soldier Loses Compensation Through Trickery


Soldier Loses Compensation Through Trickery

An army cadet who lost his sight in an IRA bombing has been docked £55,000 in compensation because he was already partially blind.


Another Blogger Exposes Government Incompetence


Another Blogger Exposes Government Incompetence

Following in the footsteps of the anonymous internet bloggers "Belle de Jour" and "La Petite Anglaise", a new author is sending shock waves through the corridors of Whitehall with her frank views on government bureaucracy and incompetence.


Livingstone's Crony Gives Taxpayers Money For Sex


Livingstone's Crony Gives Taxpayers Money For Sex

Lee Jasper channelled City Hall funding to two projects run by a woman whom he bombarded with sexually charged emails, it has been revealed.

In one message to the 50-year-old married mother of three he calls darling, he wrote: "I love thee [sic] feet, ankles, legs, thighs, bum and belly, arms, head and brain. But most of all I love you in a flaming red sari, bangles, chains or failing that in a bikini!"

... Today both Mr Jasper, 49, a married father of nine, and Mrs Chouhan denied any impropriety.

She said the emails were "banter" and that they had not been sexually involved.

So. Mr Jasper - father of nine! - was not trying to get his end away by offering money and writing those emails?




UK Nurses - Grubby And Drunken


UK Nurses - Grubby And Drunken

Lord Mancroft said he was appalled at the filthy condition of the wards at a hospital where he was treated for gastroenteritis and the heartless attitude of "lazy and promiscuous" staff.
