MEPs Cover Up Fraud


MEPs Cover Up Fraud

Members of the European Parliament voted yesterday to cover up a report showing widespread abuse of allowances worth £125 million every year.


Good Perks For EU President


Good Perks For EU President

The proposed full-time president of the European Union is to be given a personal jet, a palatial official residence and a personal staff of up to 22, under plans being considered in Brussels.


Ken Livingstone Fathered Two Children In Weeks


Ken Livingstone Fathered Two Children In Weeks

London Mayor Ken Livingstone enjoyed a relationship with three women at the same time, making two of them pregnant within weeks of each other.

... The maverick politician was in a long-term relationship with Kate Allen, the UK director of Amnesty International, with whom he lived for nearly 20 years, between 1982 and 2001.


Identity Thieves Used Credit Card For Porn


Identity Thieves Used Credit Card For Porn

Without his knowledge, Mr Bunce's name and card details were stolen by identity fraudsters and used to access vile child pornography websites.
